Our Pricing

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Reputation Management Prices







Reputation Pricing

Reputation communications are priced based on the number and volume of resources needed to solve a problem. Here is a summary of plans we offer:

The Basic Plan

The light plan is best for small companies and individuals who wish to improve how their brand is seen online. It works for building reputation and also for  that are simpler in nature. It is also appropriate for medium sized businesses in many cases, but could take longer.

The Professional Plan

The Professional plan is our most popular. It’s been designed for small to medium-sized companies that want to  improve search results faster. It also provides enough resources to solve the most common online reputation problems such as suppressing certain content, reducing content visibility, and sometimes complete web page removal altogether.Review management, Wikipedia or other specialized aspects are also included on an as-needed basis.

The Enterprise Plan

The enterprise reputation plan is commission by medium to large companies, political entities, and well-known individuals wishing for discreet services. It is designed to deal with issues with national media, viral media, or many other types of entrenched negative search results. It’s used for more challenging issues or to quickly build a brand online in more competitive industries.

Custom Plans

Custom reputation management plans are most often used by larger brands, international brand reputation or building, political parties, or very well known individuals. The level of dedicated and specialized resources provided by the enterprise plan is needed for complex media solutions.


What’s Included

These are activities frequently included in various plans.

Competitive research

Examination of the online search and social environment for similar entities (companies, brands, people, etc.) to understand what makes their search and social results tick. We analyze the content and technical underpinnings of search results, and then perform a gap analysis to understand what might be missing from search results that could be leveraged to improve those of the target entity.

Key Phrase research

What are the most important search phrases people use to find your brand? The Key Phrase research phase looks at keyword volume, difficulty, competition, similar phrases, and more.

Influencer sites

Some web pages are returned more often than others for competitors. We find the pattern in competitive search results to create custom lists. This way we know which general and specialty web properties to either create, or cause to be created.

Wikipedia page development analysis

Some brands (companies, services, people, or other entities) can earn Wikipedia pages. Some cannot. Some only appear that they cannot. We find out what it takes for a given entity to get a Wikipedia page, and then create paths to success.

Image analysis

When unflattering images are returned in search results, or not enough of the right ones are, we find ways to correct the problem by researching content and image-related SEO patterns of similar entities. For example, sometimes we’ll recommend development of certain sites, and then promotion for the purpose of changing how search engines display images in search results.

Reputation strategy

Online reputation strategy follows the research phase. It is the development of a plan of action to transform branded search results. The philosophical basis for a high quality organic strategy is often the Reverse Wikipedia Strategy, which seeks to create the most natural search profile possible. The strategy is most often presented in a serial (step-by-step) format for later execution by members of the reputation team.

Team meetings

All reputation building or repair clients are invited to regular meetings to discuss the strategy, progress, tactics being used, and reporting what has been occurring to date.

Monthly and quarterly reporting

Reporting normally happens on a monthly and quarterly basis, though as-needed reports for specific tasks are also provided on an ad hoc basis as well. Reports normally consist of changes in the online profile and comments on the various steps taken.

Content planning

Most reputation building or repair campaigns involve some degree of content planning. Because each strategy is different each content plan is too. A content plan takes into account both branded and non-branded content , tone, volume, placement, and supports the upgraded “story” of the brand. It often involves brainstorming, and content ideation. International reputation management adds another layer to content planning in that it often include language and cultural translation.

Content development

Content takes many forms including articles, blog posts, social media posts and imagery, photographs and other graphics, presentations, video, and more. Content development may include any or all of these formats. The development process involves understanding of the content goal, ideation, headline development, content or technical development, quality assurance, and publication.

Content promotion

Most web content is rarely consumed. The key to content performance is a combination of quality development and content promotion. Promotion takes many forms, but can be categorized as paid, owned, or earned. Paid content promotion can include Google Ads or other type of paid sponsorship. Owned promotion is when a web property that is controlled by a brand is used to promote. Earned promotion is when others promote content without compensation.

Brand monitoring

Corporate sentiment makes and breaks brands. Brand monitoring keeps tabs on the visibility of positive and negative content. When something negative pops up, or when it goes away, brand managers will want to know.

Review management

Review management includes the removal of negative online reviews when possible, improving star-ratings on sites like Google Reviews, Yelp and others, and the curation of good reviews. It also helps to intercept bad experiences before they become bad reviews by improving customer experience.

On-page SEO analysis

On-page analysis is an SEO (search engine optimization) term that refers to research into the content and technical performance of a given web page or site.

Level 1 SEO – Basic

Level one SEO pertains to the quality of inbound links developed. Level 1 links are usually from sites that, while topically relevant, are of lower importance to search engines. Consequently, less resources are needed to gain links from these types of sites, keeping costs lower in the short-term. It often takes five to ten times more relevant links from a level one link building program to equal the strength of one level 2 link.

Level 2 SEO – Advanced

Level two SEO refers mainly to the quality of links attained to help certain content perform better in search results. Level two links are about five times more effective than level one links.

Level 3 SEO – Custom

Level three SEO refers to the highest quality tier of links possible. These links are often five to ten times more effective than level two links. They are far more difficult to capture and require more resources to do so than other tiers.

International reputation management

Reputation management in countries other than the USA and Canada are considered international reputation campaigns. They are different due to geographic targeting of content, cultural specialization, and language differences. For example, international projects may target different TLD’s (top level domains like .com or .co.uk). From an SEO perspective, many countries are less “mature” than those in North America, increasing the number of resources necessary to have a successful campaign.

Best practices development

With over ten years of experience in reputation management, Reputation X knows what works and what doesn’t. Reputation management best practices for a specific company can vary widely. We develop a custom reputation management best practices guide as part of some campaigns so in-house PR and SEO teams can continue the work we began.

Custom campaigns

A custom campaign is a reputation program that solves an issue “outside the box”. Special issues like upcoming political campaigns, campaigns against short-selling schemes, aggressive counterpoint development, certain international campaigns and more fall into this category.

Reputation Management Pricing Examples

This chart shows ballpark prices for different reputation campaigns:

Remove a Page (if possible)$5,000 one-time
Improve Online Reviews (managed)$299 monthly
Protect Search Results$3,000 per month and up. Limited time.
Suppress medium strength publication$5,000 per month. Limited time.
Suppress a Minor Blog$3,000 per month. Limited time.
Build an Executive Reputation$5,000 per month. Limited time.
Clean Search Results / Non English$10,000 per month. Limited time.
Radically Alter Search Results for a Company$20,000 per month. Limited time.

Frequently asked questions

> Removals: ~2 weeks
> Push Down Search Results: Average 10 months
> Improve online reviews: ~2 weeks

An online reputation management project commonly takes about ten months. But there are many factors and every campaign is different. For example, is the problem an active one, or did it happen in the past? Is the issue with a national publication, or a local one? These and other variables can greatly affect the duration of a campaign.

For the most part, it’s because there is a lag time of between 10 and 20 weeks before listings start to improve in search results. Websites need to be developed and launched, content posted, search and social promotion programs begun. Google takes weeks to recognize the changes, and only then do things start to change. The exception to the rule is viral content, but the vast majority of content doesn’t go viral. 

There is an upper limit to how fast reputation management can be accomplished because the work must be seen as natural to search and social engines. Google and other machine learning and artificial intelligence based systems are sophisticated pattern matching systems. If they notice something is out of line with norms, they flag them. Our reputation solutions are designed to be organic and helpful to the online environment, so they don’t get flagged. If you want it to go faster, add more resources such as a higher level package. But throwing a year’s worth of money at the problem in a month won’t normally provide as much traction as one might think. 

Our pricing is based on over ten years of experimentation. Reputation management is a matter of resources. If you add or subtract resources things happen faster or slower. There are limits on both ends. If you need custom pricing, or to fit certain budget requirements, talk with us. We can usually accommodate reasonable requests. 

We guarantee removals for a removal-based project. We’ll let you know up front in writing if we believe something can be removed and we will guarantee it in writing.

Keep in mind that most online content cannot be removed, and that some of the success of our work is dependent on third-parties. Third-parties may include you (our client), Google, other platforms like Yelp, Facebook, or others.

We cannot guarantee work that relies on third-parties. While we don’t explicitly guarantee it (no crystal ball), for review management we have a 100% success rate at improving online reviews.

For direct removals (when possible) there is no long term commitment. For reputation management on a monthly basis there is a six month minimum commitment. We ask for six months in order to give the program, and search results, enough time to be effective.

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